Calm the Chaos: 30 Effective Ways to Manage Anxiety Inside and Outside Your Home

Welcome to Wellness Dialogues, a place to unlock your inner knowing. If you've found your way here, it's likely because you've encountered the formidable adversary known as anxiety. It can be a relentless force, capable of infiltrating every aspect of your life, from your daily routines to your deepest thoughts and emotions. Simply put, I believe that anxiety is a symptom of unexpressed emotion, the tension between two competing desires or the unrelenting wish to know what the future holds. Since we experience anxiety in our bodies, perhaps as muscle tension, a rapid heartbeat, or physical trembling to name a few, we can think of it as a sort of nagging. It’s a reminder that something underneath the anxiety — maybe fear of unworthiness, belief in one’s own defectiveness, or a sense of powerlessness — needs our attention. Anxiety is saying, “Hey there, this tightening in your chest is a sign that you need some tending to.” So yes, it’s helpful to manage anxiety, but it can be even more sustaining to look at and cope with what’s causing the anxiety. Stay tuned for information on that.

But for the sake of this post, we will explore the transformative power of anxiety management techniques that I often employ to guide their clients towards a life of greater calm and resilience. Whether you're already on the path to therapy or considering it for the first time, this comprehensive guide is designed to provide insights, strategies, and encouragement on your journey to finding peace amidst life's challenges. These anxiety management strategies are for beginners and for the anxiety experts. Keep reading for 30 effective ways to manage your anxiety at home and in the scary outside world.

This blog post focuses on natural remedies for managing anxiety, managing anxiety for beginners and practicing mindfulness for anxiety

George Condo, The Phillips Collection

15 Ways to Manage Anxiety at Home

  1. Relaxation Technique for Anxiety: Create a Calm Space

    Create a calm and quiet space that’s just for you. Decorate it with soothing colors and peace-inducing objects that bring you a sense of calm. And don’t forget the plants!

  2. Box Breathing Technique for Anxiety Relief: Inhale, Hold, Exhale, Repeat

    There are endless breathing techniques and relaxation methods, but for now try Box Breathing for anxiety relief. Inhale for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 4, and hold your breath for a count of 4. Continue until you feel a sense of calm wash over you.

  3. One-Minute Meditation for Anxiety: You Deserve a Break

    Allow your mind and body to come to a stop, even if just for one minute. Count 30 inhales and 30 exhales for a mindfulness break. You deserve it. Or use meditation apps for support.

  4. Mindfulness Practices Anywhere: Stay Present, Reduce Anxiety

    Meditation and mindfulness are BFFs when it comes to anxiety management, but unlike meditation, mindfulness is easier to do in your daily life. This is a practice of staying present to what is happening now. Focus on the warmth of the water when you are washing dishes or the fragrance when you are cooking. Return to the here and now.

  5. Anxiety and Movement: Get Active to Calm Your Mind

    Anxiety is a physical experience so physical activity can help relieve it. Pull out your yoga mat or do an intense workout. Here’s my favorite Youtube exercise program.

  6. Anxiety Journaling: Clear Your Mind and Find Clarity

    Writing down your thoughts, especially first thing in the morning is a great way to clear your head. Another great way to manage anxiety is having structure so make it into a journaling morning routine!

  7. Prioritize Sleep for Anxiety Relief: Establish a Routine

    This is easier said than done, but prioritizing your sleep routine and better sleep habits will be so helpful for anxiety relief.

  8. Soothing Herbs for Anxiety: Discover Calming Teas

    Herbal remedies for anxiety are used for soothing the body. Here is a good place to start your tea research.

  9. Ice Ice Baby: Instantly Calm Your Nervous System

    If you are feeling particularly panicky, try rubbing an ice cube on your arm or dunking you face in ice water. The shock to your nervous system will interrupt your stress response.

  10. Gratitude Practice for Anxiety: Find Joy in the Present

    Write down 5 daily things you are grateful for. This practice will help with being present and finding joy in the simple things.

  11. Positive Affirmations for Anxiety: Boost Self-Belief

    Affirmations are a positive statement or phrase that is repeated to oneself, often with the intention of promoting a mindset shift, positive self-belief, or a desired outcome. You can start with, “ I am worthy of peace.”

  12. Anxiety Distraction Techniques: Break the Overthinking Cycle

    Want to manage racing thoughts? Distracting yourself when you’re in an overthinking cycle can help slow down your thoughts. Water your plants, Google dumb jokes, call a friend.

  13. Artistic Expression for Anxiety: Externalize Worry and Emotion

    Creative outlets are wonderful for anxiety relief and emotional release. Externalize your worry and emotion through artistic expression.

  14. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR): Calm Mind and Body

    Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is an anxiety reduction too to calm your mind and body by tensing a muscle group and then relaxing it. Begin at your head and move your way down to your toes.

  15. Nutrition and Anxiety: Support Mental Health with Healthy Eating

    Nutrient-rich foods can support mental health, while excessive caffeine and sugar can exacerbate anxiety. Here is a good place to start for anxiety-reducing foods.

George Condo's Art that illustrates needing support for anxiety

George Condo, Untitled

Generally whatever anxiety management strategies you use outside your home, you can also use at home, but the reverse isn’t always true. You may not be able to light a candle at work or journal at a birthday party so here are some techniques that you can also use when you are not in the comfort of your home.

15 Ways to Manage Anxiety Outside Your Home

  1. Exit Strategy for Anxiety: Finding a Way Out

    When you are in an enclosed spaced, find all the exit signs and tell yourself that you are safe. This notifies your body that you are able to escape should you need to, which helps manage panic.

  2. Color Scanning Technique: Grounding in the Present Moment

    Choose a random color and scan your environment noting all of the things that are that color. This is a great grounding technique to help bring you back to the here and now.

  3. 5-4-3-2-1 Senses Exercise: Sensory Awareness for Anxiety

    This exercise is an easy grounding tool for anxiety relief. Bring your attention to your senses. Find 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste.

  4. Ground on the Ground: Feel Your Feet on the Floor

    This grounding technique helps you return to the present moment and helps you improve your sensory focus. Start by simply feeling your feet on the floor. Notice all the sensations in your feet: tingling, tightness, heat, etc.

  5. Positive Self-Talk: Shifting Anxiety with Mantras

    Find a positive or calming mantra and stick with it. This will help with self-reassurance and positive self regard. Here are some ideas: "I Am Strong and Resilient." "I Am Safe and Secure." "I Am in Control of My Thoughts and Emotions." "This Too Shall Pass." "I Choose Peace Over Anxiety." "I Am Here, I Am Now." "I Am Releasing What No Longer Serves Me."

  6. Sensory Breathwork: Calming Anxiety Sensations with Breath

    While this grounding technique may sound counter-intuitive for anxiety relief, it works! Direct your attention to how anxiety is manifesting in your body (trembling leg, racing thoughts, restlessness) and send breath to the sensation or experience to help calm it. For example, place your hand on your chest, notice your rapid heartbeat and send slow breaths to that fluttering feeling. Notice the sensation decrease in intensity.

  7. Nature Therapy for Anxiety: Find Solace in the Outdoors

    Therapy can be expensive, but nature is free. Simply being outside or grounding in nature can be so helpful to manage anxiety. Put your hands in the dirt. Feel the wind on your face. Hug a tree.

  8. Walk: it Out: Counting Steps to Distract:

    Walking can help expel unwanted anxious energy. Count each step to distract yourself. Though, if you’re striving for 10,000, that would be a lot of counting.

  9. Toys for Anxiety: Release Tension with Fidgets

    Sensory tools are finally socially acceptable so take advantage. Fidget toys or stress balls can help you release physical energy and relieve anxiety. My go-to is a pebble stone with an affirming word like these.

  10. Music for Anxiety Relief: Drowning Out Intrusive Thoughts

    Having background music while at work or listening to calming music while on the busy streets can help drown out your thoughts and reduce stress.

  11. Visualization Exercise: Create Calm with Imagery

    Calming imagery can provide a necessary mental escape. Close your eyes or lower your gaze and imagine that you are somewhere serene. Focus on the sights, sounds and smells in your calm place and notice what is happening to your body as you experience the peace of your imagination.

  12. Social Connection for Anxiety: Break the Isolation

    Anxiety and isolation often go together so make sure to maintain your social connections and relationships. Plan to meet up with a friend for a walk in the park or to have a tea date.

  13. Organization is Key: Anxiety Relief through To-Do Lists

    Create a to-do list and prioritize tasks from most important to least important. Having your tasks on paper (or on your phone) will help you clear it from your mind.

  14. Aromatherapy for Anxiety: Smells Good!

    Wear a fragrant oil on your wrist and smell it throughout the day or invest in an essential oil diffuser and place it on your desk. This one is my favorite.

  15. Doodling for Anxiety: Meditative Distraction with Art

    Who needs art therapy when you have access to a pen and paper? Manage your anxious thoughts when you are in meetings or at work by doodling. No, it does’t need to be high quality.

I hope even just one of these strategies helps you manage your anxiety. If you would like support from a professional, I am a clinical therapist who specializes in trauma therapy and I am particularly energized by using IFS and EMDR. Learn more about me here.

Feel free to share in the comments which strategy resonates with you the most.

As a therapist, I'm passionate about mental health and well-being. Here, I share insights, tips, and resources to support your journey to a healthier, happier life. It's important to note that while I bring therapeutic expertise to my content, this blog is not a substitute for professional therapy nor is it medical advise. It's a place to learn, grow, and explore, but for personalized care, please seek a qualified therapist. Your mental health matters, and I'm here to help you on your path to wellness.


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